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Plastic Surgery for Men

Our specialized cosmetic procedures are tailored to enhance masculine features, boost confidence, and help you achieve the look you desire.

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures for Men

Liposuction for Men

Liposuction is the second most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States.


Patients can choose from facial/double chin, jawline, neck, chest, abdomen/flanks, sides/love handles, arms, legs, or back for the location of male liposuction.


Many patients choose to go completely asleep for this procedure, however using advanced numbing techniques more patients are choosing "wide awake" liposuction, which is typically less invasive and allows for ongoing dialogue between surgeon and patient about the procedure while it's happening


The procedure takes around 2.5 - 3 hours total and is an outpatient surgery meaning you go home the same day, usually within 2 - 3 hours after the surgery.​


Liposuction downtime is between 7 - 14 days, depending on the number of sites and how much fat is removed. You can usually return to work within a week.​

Tummy Tuck for Men

A tummy tuck can be performed in a variety of ways, and when combined with liposuction you can achieve an even more dramatic result.​


The mini tummy tuck is for patients who have most of their extra skin/fatty tissue below their belly button. It does not address core tightening and does not help extra skin/fatty tissue above the belly button.​


A float procedure is between a mini and full, and is for patients who have a high umbilicus and long torso. The core can be tightened, with this surgery, and it is best for people who have mild excess above the belly button.​


A full tummy tuck for men is the gold standard, and it usually involves the removal of extra skin and fatty tissue both above and below the belly button, core tightening, and adjusting the belly button to fit your new shape.​


Combining a tummy tuck with liposuction allows the surgical team to really define your new shape. It will remove the unwanted extra fatty tissue on the flanks.​


The procedure takes around 2.5 - 3 hours total (less for mini, more for full with liposuction) and is an outpatient surgery, meaning you go home the same day, usually within an hour or two after the surgery.

Breast Reduction for Men

Gynecomastia, a condition characterized by enlarged male breast tissue, affects millions of men worldwide. This condition can result from hormonal imbalances, genetics, weight fluctuations, or certain medications. Male breast reduction surgery offers a solution to achieve a flatter, more masculine chest contour.


Treatment options depend on the amount of breast tissue, versus fatty tissue, and how much excess skin has developed.​


Downtime is between 7 - 14 days and you can usually return to light work within a week.​.

Men's Plastic Surgery Cost

$3,000 - $11,950

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