Liposuction Procedures
Lipo Surgical Options
Liposuction is often combined with other procedures to deliver more dramatic results.
Wide Awake Lipo
Local anesthetics completely numb the area
Problem Areas
2-3 areas of concern, usually while asleep
360-degree tightening of the skin and fatty tissue around the core
Standard Liposuction
Liposuction is the second most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States.
Patients can choose from facial/double chin, jawline, neck, chest, abdomen/flanks, sides/love handles, arms, legs, or back for the location of liposuction.
Many patients choose to go completely asleep for this procedure, however using advanced numbing techniques more patients are choosing "wide awake" liposuction, which is typically less invasive and allows for ongoing dialogue between surgeon and patient about the procedure while it's happening
The procedure takes around 1.5 hours per site and is an outpatient surgery, meaning you go home the same day, usually within 2 - 3 hours after the surgery.​​
Combined Lipo Services
Liposuction is often combined with other procedures to deliver more dramatic results.
A brachioplasty removes extra skin from the arms
An abdominoplasty removes excess skin and stretch marks
A thighplasty removes extra skin from the legs
Full Body Lipo 360
​​​​The procedure takes around 2.5 - 3 hours total and is an outpatient surgery meaning you go home the same day, usually within 2 - 3 hours after the surgery.​
Liposuction downtime is between 7 - 14 days, depending on the number of sites and how much fat is removed. You can usually return to work within a week.​
Liposuction Cost
$8,000 - $11,950